Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters! Line Learning and Development Solutions (“Line Learning” “The Company” “we” “us” “our”) respects your privacy and its responsibility to protect Personal Identifiable Information (“PII” “Information” “Data”) it handles and to hold Information to which it needs to effectively deliver its services as a consulting and learning and development company.

Line Learning collects Data from its customers and partners through interactions with its product offerings and services. The Data we collect varies based on the service or product you acquire from us. We also obtain your Data from third parties in participating events.

By transacting and availing our services you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to all the terms of this Privacy Statement as outlined below. This statement may be modified anytime without prior notice to you as required by the National Privacy Commission (NPC) in compliance with Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (collectively, the “DPA”).

Our Services

Line Learning and Development Solutions is the pioneer Microsoft Global Training Partner here in the Philippines. We offer services such as consulting, IT training, learning and development, certifications, change management, and digital transformation practices. Line Learning processes your Data for several reasonable purposes such as but not limited to:

- deliver aforementioned services; 
- to assist our customers and partners;
- to address inquiries;
- to deliver service advisories and or announcements;
- to provide technical support;
- to improve our products and services;
- as an employment requirement;
- when engaging the services of a consultant, service provider, vendor, supplier or other third parties;
- accreditation processes;
- improving our costumer engagement;
- sending out marketing communications;
- Data analytics and profiling; and · for other legitimate commercial and legitimate business purposes.

Information we collect

Line Learning as a learning and development and consulting company may collect different Data from its customers and partners upon depending on the type of service or engagement you require from us. The Information we collect are the following.

a. For Individuals. Personal Identifiable Information such as name, email address, contact number and company of affiliation, image of your ID, Information present in your ID, images that may contain your personal Data, age, gender, birthdate, employment status, marital status, and time of availability.

b. For Entities. Company name, location or address, contact number, company TIN, preliminary training requirements like training needs analysis Should you choose not to provide any of the above Data, Line Learning may not be able to provide you the service you require.

How We Process Your Data

The DPA defines “processing” as: “any operation or any set of operations performed upon personal Information including, but not limited to, the collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction of Data.” Depending on your service request or engagement with Line Learning, Data and PII may be collected on the following occasions:

- During face-to-face, virtual trainings, and meetings
- During face-to-face or virtual certification exams
- When accomplishing and online form to acquire our services
- When transacting with us online or via phone
- When accrediting your company to be one of our suppliers
- When you provide services to the company

Processing of Data is performed by authorized employees and company representatives. Data is processed in secured areas using a secured device that was issued by the company to the authorized employee or representative. Your Data may be used “as is” without processing depending on the services you availed with Line Learning. In needed, Line Learning may do additional processing of the Data before using it for authorized purposes.

How We Use Your Information

Line Learning uses your Information to deliver and provide you with the best training experience to include training needs analysis, consultations, training customization, training delivery, content creation, postmortem evaluation, and other legitimate business purposes. 

How We Protect Your Data

We make every effort to treat and protect your Data with outmost confidentiality, but we must also take into account that storing Data electronically and transmitting it over the internet is not 100% secure. While the company is doing its very best to source compliant methods to protect your Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Disclosure of Data

Line Learning will not disclose your Data or personal Information unless required for the above-mentioned purposes, and if applicable, after your consent is obtained. However, we may disclose your Information

- when ordered by law or the court or if it is requested by the state and law enforcing agencies;
- when doing legitimate business or projects with partners or service providers to provide you with the services that you required from the company;
- in the area of social media for the purposes of announcements prior to you giving us your consent;
- in the purposes where disclosure is necessary in good faith and without limitation to protect the rights, safety, and properties of the company and its customers. Any Data or Information shared with third parties shall also be covered by the appropriate agreement to ensure Data and Information security.

Retention Period

Line Learning will retain your Data and Information in relation to the purposes and/or to the extent allowable under the law and regulations by the state, including but not limited to the DPA and its implementing rules and regulations. We will also retain your data to comply with any legal obligations, dispute resolutions, and to enforce our agreements and guidelines.

Your Rights and Responsibility

You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any data you provide with Line Learning as well as the consequences of you disclosing your Information to Line Learning, including your failure to provide accurate, correct and updated personal data to Line Learning. Under the DPA you have the right to:

- be informed
- reasonable access
- request the correction of your Data
- request the erasure of your Data
- be indemnified for damages sustained for the unauthorized use of your Data 
- file a complaint
- the portability of your Data

Inquiry and Exercising Your Rights

For any inquiry regarding this Privacy Statement, or to exercise your rights under the DPA, you may send a written communication addressed to our Data Privacy Officer as follows:

The Data Privacy Officer
Line Learning and Development Solutions
+63 2 72175721


This statement may be amended or modified from time to time to comply with any changes in the laws, rules, and regulations. Any updates to this statement will be effective immediately upon posting. You are encouraged to visit our site to stay informed on how Line Learning processes your Data.